Photograph of a red eft crawling on dead leaves.

Web Projects Created by K-12 Students and Teachers

This part of Earth@Home highlights online projects created by K-12 students and/or teachers that are related to Earth science, climate change, or sustainability. Please get in touch if you have a web project that you would like us to consider highlighting here.

Ariko: Dark Tide

Ariko: Dark Tide is an educational visual narrative game intended for students fourth grade and up with the goals of educating about issues that threaten marine environments such as climate change, pollution, and the lesser-known focus of the game, Dead Zones, paralleled by a fantasy world in need of saving. The Ariko: Dark Tide Project was created by high school student Elliot Riederer.

Ariko: Dark Tide Game

Ariko: Dark Tide Educator Resources
Screenshot of the title page of the Ariko: Dark Tide online game.