Aerial photograph of the Snake River at Oxbow Dam, Idaho-Oregon border. The photo shows a hilly landscape covered with yellow vegetation. The Snake River forms a hairpin turn, going from the center-right of the image, preceding to the left where it double back on itself, and ending a lower right. The Oxbow dam spans the river in the center right of the image.

Energy in the Columbia Plateau and Basin and Range

Page snapshot: Introduction to energy of Columbia Plateau and Basin and Range regions of the northwest-central United States.

Topics covered on this page: Overview; Fossil fuels; Geothermal energy; Hydroelectricity; Wind energy; Resources.

Credits: Most of the text of this page comes from "Energy in the Northwest Central US" by Carlyn S. Buckler and Robert M. Ross, chapter 7 in The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the Northwest Central USedited by Mark D. Lucas, Robert M. Ross, and Andrielle N. Swaby (published in 2015 by the Paleontological Research Institution; currently out of print). The book was adapted for the web by Elizabeth J. Hermsen and Jonathan R. Hendricks in 2022. Changes include formatting and revisions to the text and images. Credits for individual images are given in figure captions.

Updates: Page last updated September 8, 2022.

Image above: Oxbow Dam (far right) on the Snake River, Idaho-Oregon border. Photo by Sam Beebe (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image cropped and resized).


The active tectonics that resulted in the Columbia Plateau flood basalts and the growth of the Rocky Mountains to the east have created a region rich in hydroelectric and wind energy, as well as the potential for geothermal energy. More comprehensive development of geothermal energy may be an area of growth in the future. Fossil fuel development has not been significant in the region.

Like the Columbia Plateau Region, active tectonism yields an opportunity for the growth of geothermal energy in the Basin and Range.

Fossil fuels

The Columbia Plateau has seen very little fossil fuel development because it is covered by thick volcanic deposits that make exploration and recovery challenging. The volcanic rocks overlie Cenozoic lake deposits and older marine rocks that may contain oil and gas resources, but they have not been considered economically viable to develop.

Photograph of a canyon on the Bruneau River in southwestern Idaho. The photo shows a river running through a canyon with steep walls. The walls rise in a steep stair-step fashion on either side of the river. The sky is yellow and orange, perhaps indicating that the photo was taken at sunset.

The Bruneau River cutting through cliffs of volcanic rocks on the Columbia Plateau, Bruneau Wild and Scenic River, Idaho. Photo by Bureau of Land Management (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image resized).

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy comes from heat within the Earth, which is created on an ongoing basis by radioactivity. This energy powers mantle convection and plate tectonics. The highest-temperature conditions exist in tectonically active areas, such as Iceland (a mid-Atlantic ridge) and Japan (an area of subduction). In the U.S., the Basin and Range, Hawai'i (a hot spot), and Yellowstone (also a hot spot) have the most geothermal potential.

Geothermal energy potential is abundant on the Columbia Plateau and in the Basin and Range of Idaho. Although geothermal accounts for only a small percentage of Idaho’s electricity generation relative to hydroelectric and wind power, the state ranks sixth nationally in the use of geothermal energy.

Map of the northwest-central region with state boundaries outlined in black. The geothermal energy potential of the area is indicated by shading, ranging from yellow (least favorable) to red (most favorable). Black dots indicate identified geothermal sites. Idaho and western Wyoming are the most favorable for geothermal development, and most hydrothermal sites are in Idaho, with some additional sites in western Montana and Wyoming.

Geothermal energy resources in the northwest-central U.S. Map modified by a map by Wade Greenberg-Brand, adapted from image by National Renewable Energy Laboratory, originally published in The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the Northwest Central US.

Idaho is currently (as of 2022) home to one commercial geothermal plant, the Raft River Geothermal Power Plant. This power plant is a former U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) geothermal research and demonstration facility. The facility uses a “binary” energy system developed and tested by the USDOE. Unlike typical geothermal power plants that make direct use of vapor from heated water to spin turbines, this system passes hot geothermal water through a heat exchanger to heat a secondary liquid that vaporizes at a significantly lower temperature than water. This enhances the energy capture capacity of the system, thus increasing energy production.

Geothermally heated water is also harnessed to provide heat directly. For example, it is pumped through pipes to heat buildings in the Boise City Geothermal Heating District in Boise, Idaho. Geothermally heated water has limited use in aquaculture and greenhouse operations in the state.

Photograph of the Raft River Geothermal Power Plant in Idaho. The photo shows a rectangular structure with four short cylindrical structures on top of it. Smoke appears to be coming from the cylinders. Green tanks can be seen next to the rectangular structure. A pipe runs from the geothermal plant to the foreground of the image. The landscape is flat with scrub. Low mountains rise in the background with a cloudy blue sky above.


With the Owyhee Mountain Range to the west and the Caribou Mountains and Forest bordering the east, the Snake River Valley and Bruneau Valley are host to many lakes and waterways. The Snake River is over 1600 kilometers (1000 miles) long. It begins in northwestern Wyoming and ends at its confluence with the Columbia River in eastern Washington. 

With all of this water, it is no surprise that hydropower is a primary source of energy in the Columbia Plateau region. There are also over 30 hydroelectric power stations on or near the Snake River in this region, and hydropower provides 58% of Idaho's electricity. Three of the largest dams producing hydropower—Brownlee Dam (585 MW), Hells Canyon Dam (391 MW), and Oxbow Dam (190 MW)—are along the Idaho-Oregon border.

Map of the northwest-central region with state boundaries outlined in black and hydroelectric power plants indicated by blue circles that increase in size based on the capacity of the plant. The largest plants are in northwestern Montana, central North Dakota, and central South Dakota. The largest number of plants is in Idaho.

Location and capacity of hydroelectric plants in the northwest-central region. Map modified by a map by Wade Greenberg-Brand, adapted from image by U.S. Energy Information Administration, originally published in The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the Northwest Central US.

Map of the Columbia River Basin in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, southern Canada, western Montana, and western Wyoming. The map shows the locations of major U.S. federal dams, other major U.S. dams, and Canadian dams dotted throughout the region.

Major dams of the Columbia River Basin. Source: U.S. Energy Information, from Bonneville Power Administration.

Photograph of Swan Falls dam on the Snake River in Idaho. The photo shows the dam as seen from the shore of the reservoir. A long building with beige walls and a black roof appears to be positioned on top fo the dam. A rocky slope rises in the background.

Swan Falls Dam on the Snake River, Idaho (shown from the reservoir behind the dam). Photo by Andy Melton (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license, image resized).

Salmon, steelhead, and dams

While dams and hydroelectric plants are sources of abundant clean energy, they also have some negative environmental impacts. Dams in the Columbia River Basin (which includes the Snake River) have significantly altered the ecology of the region, particularly affecting salmon and steelhead. The salmon and steelhead in this region are anadromous, meaning that they live in the ocean but spawn in freshwater. These fish swim many miles upstream from the ocean to spawn, and dams are barriers that can prevent them from reaching their spawning grounds. Furthermore, turbines can injure or kill young salmon swimming downstream to the ocean. The building of dams on the rivers of the Columbia Plateau has greatly reduced salmon and steelhead populations and prevented anadromous fish from reaching certain areas where they historically occurred. 

Map of the Columbia River Basin in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, southern Canada, western Montana, and western Wyoming. The map shows the locations of major U.S. federal dams, other major U.S. dams, and Canadian dams dotted throughout the region, as well as the distributions of salmon and steelhead species in the watershed. In the lower left part of the image, a list of endangered and threatened fish species is given. 

Map of the Columbia River Basin (light green) showing major dams, species of anadromous fish inhabiting the rivers, and their conservation status. Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division Website

The problems caused by dams have been partially addressed, although the solutions have proven inadequate to replenish fish populations to historic levels. Fish ladders, structures that allow adult salmon to maneuver around dams to travel upstream to spawning grounds, have been built on some dams. Fish hatcheries managed by U.S. government agencies and Native American nations have augment salmon populations. Dams have also been removed or are under consideration for removal in certain areas, which may help salmon and steelhead populations to recover. Advocates have called for removal of four dams on the Snake River in southeastern Washington to help the salmon and steelhead populations rebound.

Three major hydroelectric dams were built in Hells Canyon on the Idaho-Oregon border in the late 1950s to 1960s: Brownlee, Hells Canyon, and Oxbow. These dams were not equipped with fish ladders and have blocked anadromous fish from reaching the Upper Snake River system between Hells Canyon and Shoshone Falls (in Twin Falls, Idaho), where these fish historically occurred.

Black-and-white photograph of Brownlee Dam on the Snake River, Idaho-Oregon border. The photo shows a gravel dam view looking upstream. A narrow concrete spillway occurs on the right side of the dam. Some power lines can be seen on the left riverbank.

Brownlee Dam, Snake River, Idaho-Oregon border, ca. 1960. Source: ID-A-0197 (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license).

Aerial photograph of Hells Canyon Dam on the Snake River on the Idaho-Oregon border. The photo shows a concrete dam built across a river at the bottom of a canyon with steeply sloping walls. A reservoir is held back behind the dam, whereas a river can be seen downstream from the dam. On the far wall of the canyon, a road can be seen leading up to the dam.

Hells Canyon Dam, Snake River, Idaho-Oregon border. Photo by Sam Beebe (flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, image resized).

Wind energy

Most of Idaho’s wind farms run in a southward arc along the highway route from Boise in the west to Idaho Falls in the east. The Goshen North Wind Farm near Idaho Falls, at an elevation of over 1400 meters (4600 feet), is the state’s largest wind farm. It has the capacity to produce about 125 MW. Wind accounts for about 16% of Idaho’s electricity generation.

Map of the northwest-central region with state boundaries outlined in black and wind energy potential indicated by shades of blue, with white to light blue areas having the lowest potential and dark blue areas having the highest potential. The Great Plains and Central Lowland regions generally have medium to high potential. The highest-potential areas are in parts of the Rocky Mountains, although the mountains also have regions of no potential.

Wind energy potential in the northwest-central U.S. Map modified by a map by Wade Greenberg-Brand, adapted from image by National Renewable Energy Laboratory, originally published in The Teacher-Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the Northwest Central US.

Photograph of a wind farm near Idaho Falls, Idaho. The photo shows a float landscape stretching to the horizon covered in patches of green and yellow vegetation. The landscape is dotted with white wind turbines. The sky above is blue with wispy clouds.


Resources from the Paleontological Research Institution & partners

Earth@Home: Earth Science of the South-central U.S.: Energy in the Great Plains and Basin and Range (covers the Basin and Range region in western Texas):

Earth@Home: Earth Science of the Southwestern U.S.: Energy in the Basin and Range (covers the Basin and Range region in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah):

Earth@Home: Earth Science of the Western U.S.: Energy in the Columbia Plateau and Rocky Mountains (covers the Columbia Plateau in northern Nevada, Oregon, and Washington):

Earth@Home: Earth Science of the Western U.S.: Energy in the Basin and Range (covers the Basin and Range region in California, Nevada, and Oregon):

Earth@Home: Introduction to Energy:

Go to the full list of resources about energy in the northwest-central U.S.

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