Dr. Don Haas
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Chapter Contents
- Apocalyptic Tales of Climate Change
- Use of Language and Perspective in Teaching Climate Change
- Hope and Optimism
- Considerations of Fear, Anxiety, and Mental Health
- Apocalyptic Prophesies Versus Predictions of Climate Change
- Reality Check: A Personal Perspective
- Science Teaching Toward a Sustainable World
- Resources
Image above: Nellie Grace Brown Loomis, Ralph Andrew Loomis, Mildred Loomis, and Kathryn "Kitty" Carter. Photo from Haas family collection, used with permission.
This chapter addresses perspectives that go into teaching and talking about climate change—our own perspectives and emotional responses as well as those of the people we're communicating with, cultural and historical perspectives, and the balancing act between hope and fear.
Next: Apocalyptic Tales of Climate Change